Tim Daley Guitar

CAGED Decoded - The Ultimate CAGED System Guitar Course - Part One

CAGED Decoded - The Ultimate CAGED System Guitar Course - Part One

Regular price £27.50 GBP
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Part 1

Module 1

1. What CAGED is
2, CAGED chords
3, A shape major
4. G shape major
5. E shape major
6. D shape major
7. C shape major

Module 2

8. Triads intro
9. Triads E shape
10. Triads D and C shape
11. Triads A and G shape
12. All triads

Module 3

13. Playing over major chords
14. Playing over major progressions 1
15. Playing over major progressions 2
16. Playing over ‘The Wind Cries Mary’

Module 4

17. Minor introduction
18. Am shape
19. Em shape
20. Dm shape
21. Cm shape
22. Gm shape
23. Triads minor
24. Major and minor chord progressions
25. Soloing over major and minor chords

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