CAGED Course Overview

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Caged Intro Video

CAGED is incredible!

Do you want to have total fretboard visualisation?

Do you want to do this from one system?

Do you want a layered system so you can jump effortlessly from chord tones, to pentatonic to major and minor scales?

Are you fed up with looking at CAGED videos on YouTube which just don’t explain the whole system?

This two part course answers all the above questions and more. It’s super comprehensive and shows you not only how CAGED works over all these concepts but it also shows you how to apply all of these techniques in your playing with lots of examples.

I have split the course into two parts. Part one is designed to take you up to soloing using CAGED and including CAGED shapes to access chord tones, using triads and using pentatonics. You may just decide to do Part 1 only, this will give you a solid grounding in CAGED and will be enough for many guitarists.

Part 2 gives you access to 7th arpeggios within CAGED plus full major and minor scales as well as modes. It is recommended you do Part 1 first then move onto Part 2. However, if you currently have a reasonable CAGED understanding you may want to start at Part 2.

And you can do as much or as little of the course as you wish. You don’t need to complete the whole course to make progress. The course is designed for beginners and experts alike. You may wish to study it up to chord tones and pentatonics (Part 1), or you could add full major and minor scales or even cover the whole course including playing modes.


What level is the CAGED course aimed at?

The CAGED course is designed for everyone from beginners to experts. You can jump in wherever you feel is applicable and jump out at a point which suits your needs.

There are a lot of videos, do I need to do them all to get this to work for me?

Absolutely not. The course has been designed to include all you possibly need from CAGED. Studying up to say section 4 would mean you would be very competent soloing over the whole neck over a whole range of chord progressions.

What will the CAGED course enable me to do?

You will be able to see chords all over the neck, which helps your rhythm playing massively. You will also be able to solo all over the neck in any key, without getting stuck in areas and highlight chord tones, pentatonic scales and full major and minor scales appropriately, meaning you have very professional sounding solos.

Why should I learn CAGED?

CAGED is instrinsic to how the guitar works. If you are really serious about guitar you can’t really avoid the CAGED system. The sooner you learn it the better and you can always do it in stages. You absolutely don’t need to understand all of it in one go. You can build on your knowledge.

What level should I be at to learn CAGED?

Absolutely all levels should learn CAGED from absolute beginner to pro. And the great thing is that you can do it in stages. Many pros use The CAGED system but you can totally use it right from the start of your guitar journey.

How hard is the CAGED system?

Because it’s built around the chords of C,A,G,E, and D it really couldn’t be easier. And because it’s built in layers you are always building on what you’ve learned already.

Will CAGED make me a more melodic player?

This is a massive benefit of the CAGED system. It will really help develop your melodic playing so that it becomes a very natural process for you.